We would like to welcome you at the Fifth annual meeting of ‘The Dutch Society for Research on Ageing’ to be held on 15 and 16 June 2023 at University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), The Netherlands.
We invite PhD/Postdoc level/junior PI researchers and young scientists to submit abstracts to present their work at the meeting. Everyone who submits an abstract but isn’t selected to speak will have the opportunity to present a poster at the poster session.
Would you like the opportunity to talk or to present a poster, please submit a poster before June 1st.
This meeting will be an excellent opportunity to meet and interact with colleagues and to showcase the best of biology of ageing research.
Registration is free of charge for members of the society. Do you know someone who wants to join but is not a member yet, please sent this invitation. It is possible to become a member and join the meeting.
Please register now!
Thursday June 15
9.30-10.30 Registration and coffee at Blauwe Patio, UMCG
10.30-10.40 Welcome at Rode Zaal (S 2), UMCG
10.40-11.20 Keynote lecture Mihai Netea, Radboud UMC, Nijmegen
11.20-11.35 Niels van den Berg, Leiden University Medical Center (10’talk and 5 ‘discussion)
11.35-11:50 Susan Rohde, Amsterdam University Medical Center (10’talk and 5 ‘discussion)
11.50-12.05 Poster pitches (15 x 1’)
- Eline Vinke, Erasmus MC Rotterdam
- Fatih Bogaards, Leiden University Medical Center / Wageningen University & Research
- Yunus Kuijpers, RIVM
- Daniele Bizzarri, Leiden University Medical Center
- Soroush Mohammadi Jouabadi, Erasmus Medical Center
- Loet Coenen, Biomedical Primate Research Centre
- Tao Zhang, University Medical Center Groningen
- Sebastiaan E J Asselberghs, Maastricht University & MUMC+
- Pasquale Putter, Leiden University Medical Center
- Vincent Gyande Kangah, University Medical Center Groningen
- Lukas Baumhove, University Medical Center Groningen
- Abel Soto-Gamez, University Medical Center Groningen
- Jinte Middeldorp, Biomedical Primate Research Centre
- Diana Putavet, Utrecht University Medical Center
- Charlotte Kramer, Wageningen University
12.05-13.05 Lunch and Poster Session
13.05-13.20 Introduction workshops
13.20-14.35 Groups of senior PIs work out drafts for collaborative proposals for three selected grant schemes
13.20-14.35 In parallel: Young Dusra, e.g. postdocs and PhD students, draft collaborative projects
15.00-15.40 Keynote lecture Collin Ewald, ETH, Zurich
15.40-15.55 Yannick van Sleen, University Medical Center Groningen (10’talk and 5 ‘discussion)
15.55-16.10 Annika Jüttner, Erasmus MC Rotterdam (10’talk and 5 ‘discussion)
16.10-16.40 Coffee Break
16.40-16.55 Christine Müller, ERIBA, University Medical Center Groningen (10’talk and 5 ‘discussion)
16.55-17.10 Thomas Brand, University Medical Center Utrecht (10’talk and 5 ‘discussion)
17.10-17.50 Keynote lecture Ron Jachimowicz, MPI Biology of Aging, Cologne
19.00 Dinner at Weeva
Friday June 16 (plenary)
9.00 – 10.30 Presentation and discussion project plans consortia
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.00 Presentation and discussion Young Dusra
12.00-12.15 Wrap up
12.15- Lunch and end meeting