Hixton, UK, 31 January – 2 February 2018
The registration deadline is approaching for Healthy Ageing. The meeting will focus on recent discoveries and current challenges in ageing research, including translating basic research insights into health improvement for older people. View the draft programme.
The conference will explore how recent developments in cell- and immune-senescence, neuroinflamation, stem cells and epigenetics are leading to an increased understating of the ageing process. There will be a special session on drug discovery and drug development.
The meeting is aimed at scientists, clinicians and drug developers involved in research into ageing and other relevant fields. Register by 12 December. For further information, visit the conference website.
Topics will include:
- Cellular senescence
- Stem cells
- Nutrition and omics
- Neuroinflammation
- Immunoscensence
- Epigenetics
- Systems physiology
- Animal models in ageing
- Drug discovery
- Clinical trials