30 May-1 June 2018 – Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK
Longitudinal studies are ideal tools for studying age-related functional changes, and the development and progression of chronic diseases. This conference will bring together scientists working on studies in childhood, adult and late life to identify novel biomarkers of functional decline and development of disease susceptibility, and to understand the lifetime drivers and underlying pathways of these processes.
The programme will showcase new findings, methods and technologies, and translational opportunities within and across cohort studies in high, middle and low income; countries. We will also explore how to change behaviours and look at how best to monitor trends in population health and ageing. We aim to build capacity in investigators who will shape the future research agenda of life course and longitudinal studies of human development and ageing and will convene a special session to discuss the opportunities and challenges in this area.
The meeting is aimed at population scientists in epidemiology, biomedicine and the social sciences, involved in longitudinal research, longitudinal studies, genome biology, dynamic measures of physiology and other relevant fields.
More information about the program and the speakers