The first NWO life sciences conference called Life2019 will take place on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 May 2019 at the Postillion Convention Centre, Bunnik. The theme of the congress is: communication in life. Life2019 is meant to connect researchers covering the broad spectrum of the Dutch Life Sciences, to explore boundaries, to lively discuss new or desirable developments in the field and to get inspired to start new interdisciplinary collaborations.
Several internationally renowned speakers have already confirmed their oral presentation: Ottoline Leyser (plant development, keynote), Iain Couzin (collective behaviour, keynote), Sigal Ben Yehuda (communication between bacteria), Wolf Reik (epigenetic reprogramming), Hans Clevers (communication of stem cells in the intestine), Duncan Odom (genome evolution), Louise Vet (ecology and evolution of multitrophic interactions), David Reznick (evolutionary adaptation) and Angela Douglas (animal-microbial symbioses and nutritional physiology).
Info and registration:
Registration is now open: