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What is the Optimal Amount of Protein to Support Post-Exercise Skeletal Muscle Reconditioning in the Older Adult?Joyce_Vriezen2017-02-20T09:43:43+01:00
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation prior to presleep protein feeding stimulates the use of protein-derived amino acids for overnight muscle protein synthesisJoyce_Vriezen2017-01-30T16:43:39+01:00
Ingestion of Wheat Protein Increases In Vivo Muscle Protein Synthesis Rates in Healthy Older Men in a Randomized TrialJoyce_Vriezen2017-01-30T16:44:24+01:00
Muscle fibre capillarization is a critical factor in muscle fibre hypertrophy during resistance exercise training in older menJoyce_Vriezen2017-01-30T16:45:09+01:00
Age-related accrual of methylomic variability is linked to fundamental ageing mechanisms Joyce_Vriezen2017-01-12T16:22:57+01:00
Ectopic miR-125a Expression Induces Long-Term Repopulating Stem Cell Capacity in Mouse and Human Hematopoietic Progenitors Joyce_Vriezen2017-01-12T16:24:07+01:00
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