Eline Slagboom is opzoek naar nieuwe langlevende families
Leidse onderzoekers Eline Slagboom en Niels van den Berg doen onderzoek naar factoren die bijdragen aan een gezond en langer gezond leven, en zij zijn op zoek naar nieuwe langlevende families. Geschikte kandidaten zijn mensen van 75 jaar of ouder die nog een broer of zus hebben die minstens zo oud is en van wie de vader en/of moeder ooit minimaal 90 jaar werden. Sleutel tot langer en gezonder leven ( Via onze website LOF-NL [...]
Invitation to the DuSRA Annual Meeting 2024 in Wageningen
Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to invite you to the DuSRA Annual Meeting 2024, scheduled to take place on October 14th and 15th at the Wageningen Campus, Aurora Building. The meeting shares the latest results in ageing research in the Netherlands. The aim is to share results, connect with other ageing researchers and clinicians, and to start new collaborations. The event is aimed at members of DuSRA but is open to anyone interested. There [...]
Cologne Summer School: ”From basic mechanisms to translational aging research
In Cologne, from 30th of September till 4th of October 2024 a summer school for international bachelor and master students is being organized by stat-of-the-art aging researchers from several institutes in Cologne. International & national Bachelor and Master students from the field of Biology, Biochemistry, Biomedicine and other related Life Science disciplines are invited to participate in the Cologne Summer School 2024 “From basic mechanisms to translational aging research”. In total up to 25 [...]
SAVE THE DATE: Annual Meeting DuSRA October 14 & 15 2024, Wageningen
Dear DuSRA members, Please SAVE THE DATA of the Annual DuSRA Meeting!!!! This year we will meet in Wageningen on October 14 and 15. Yes, an overnight program this year! Registration, program and venue details are soon to follow. We hope to see you in October in Wageningen!
Associatie gevonden tussen depressieve symptomen en plasma markers voor de ziekte van Alzheimer
Het Nederlands Consortium of Dementie Cohorten heeft een meta-analyse gedaan met 8 cohort studies om te onderzoeken of plasma markers voor Alzheimer en neurodegeneratie associëren met depressieve symptomen later in het leven. De Leiden LangLeven Studie was één van de 8 deelnemende cohorten. De bevindingen zijn nu gepubliceerd in “The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry”. Deze studie heeft onderzocht of depressieve symptomen later in het leven geassocieerd zijn met plasma amyloid-beta42/40, p-tau181, neurofilament light, [...]
Healthful plant-based diet associates with greater well-being in older adults
A shift towards a more plant-based diet is promoted as healthy as well as sustainable. Whether this also applies to older adults is however less clear: On one hand plant-based diets may lead to energy deficits among vulnerable older adults and therefore negatively impact well-being. On the other hand, plant-based diets have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, suggesting they could be beneficial to older adults, often prone to chronic inflammation. We just published [...]
Scientific meeting: Modifying Cardio-vascular Ageing: from old cells to elderly patients
Cardiovascular diseases are the major cause of death in the industrial nations especially in the elderly. Therefore, it is of scientific interest which part of the complete risk for cardiovascular diseases is based on cellular ageing in comparison with normal risk factors like smoking or hypercholesterolemia. Thus, it is important to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms of ageing. With this knowledge, interventions can be developed to modify the aging process and thereby [...]
We are happy to announce the G-JAM international meeting on aging, which will be held at in Groningen, the Netherlands, from 28-30 September 2023. Free slots are available for talks selected form the abstract submissions. Deadline for submission of abstracts is July 15. Please forward this email to anyone in your group or network that may be interested to join the meeting. For more information about the program and registration please follow the link or QR code. We are looking [...]
Announcement annual meeting of The Dutch Society for Research on Ageing (DuSRA), 2023
Dear all, We are pleased to announce the annual meeting of The Dutch Society for Research on Ageing (DuSRA) that will take place from 15 June till 16 June 2023 at the University Medical Center, Groningen, The Netherlands. Confirmed keynote speakers are: - Mihai Netea (Radboud UMC, Nijmegen), - Collin Ewald (ETH Zürich), and - Ron Jachimowicz, (MPI Biology of Aging, Cologne). To try to improve structural support for aging research in the Netherlands [...]
Dusra Meeting June 15-16, 2023, ERIBA/UMCG/Groningen
We would like to welcome you at the Fifth annual meeting of ‘The Dutch Society for Research on Ageing’ to be held on 15 and 16 June 2023 at University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), The Netherlands. We invite PhD/Postdoc level/junior PI researchers and young scientists to submit abstracts to present their work at the meeting. Everyone who submits an abstract but isn’t selected to speak will have the opportunity to present a poster at [...]