Dutch Translational Metabolism Conference 2023
Dear colleagues, After a successful 2022 edition, we are pleased and excited to announce that registration and abstract submission is now open for the Dutch Translational Metabolism Conference 2023. The conference will take place on June 1-2 2023 at Hotel Wageningsche Berg in Wageningen. [...]
Registreer nu voor NWO life 2022!
NWO Life is een uniek jaarlijks wetenschappelijk congres dat NWO organiseert voor alle levenswetenschappers binnen Nederland. In de volle breedte en op alle schaalniveaus: van femtometer tot kilometer, van cel tot planeet. NWO Life is bedoeld om senior en junior onderzoekers uit alle disciplines [...]
Welcome Trust Meeting on Longitudinal studies – March 9-12-2021
Due to the evolving situation with Covid-19, this meeting was postponed from 20-22 April 2020 and will now be held as a virtual conference. Longitudinal studies are ideal tools for studying many things including age-related functional changes, and the development and progression of chronic [...]
NWO Life2021 – call for abstracts staat open
Wat is NWO Life? Life is een uniek jaarlijks wetenschappelijk congres dat NWO organiseert voor alle levenswetenschappers binnen Nederland. In de volle breedte en op alle schaalniveaus: van femtometer tot kilometer, van cel tot planeet. NWO Life is bedoeld om senior en junior onderzoekers [...]
3 Molecular Biology of Ageing Meeting – October 10 – 12, 2019 Groningen, The Netherlands
We are pleased to announce the 3rd Meeting on the Molecular Biology of Ageing that will take place from Thursday afternoon till Saturday Evening, October 10-12, 2019, in Groningen, The Netherlands. We cordially invite you to attend the meeting on the Molecular Biology of [...]